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Essential Tips and Questions for Interviews

Corona Smith

Navigating an interview can be nerve-wracking, but with preparation and strategy, you can ace it. Here are some key tips and questions to keep in mind for your next interview:

1. Be aware of body language!

Your body language will key the interview into what you are thinking and how you feel about the position. Make sure to maintain eye contact, sit up straight and offer a firm handshake to convey confidence and professionalism.

2. Prepare questions beforehand.

Often the interviewer will ask if you have any questions for them at the end of the interview. Having some thoughtful questions ready shows your interest and engagement. 

Here are some examples:

  • Can you explain some of the day-to-day responsibilities this job entails?

  • How would you describe the characteristics of someone who would succeed in this role?

  • If I were in this position, how would my performance be measured? How often?

  • What departments does this teamwork with regularly?

  • How do these departments typically collaborate?

  • What does that process look like?

  • What are the challenges you’re currently facing in your role?

3. Anticipate common questions and prepare responses tailored to showcase your skills and experience:

  • “Could you tell me a little bit about yourself?”

    • Tip: Turn this question into a story that allows you to talk about how you got into your field and why you are passionate about it. 

  • “How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations?”

  • Tip: Be honest! If this is a skill you are working on, talk about the steps you are taking to get there. 

  • “How do you keep yourself organized?”

  • “What is your biggest strength and biggest weakness?”

  • “Tell me about something you are proud of”

  • Tip: This is a good time to tie in skills and core requirements listed in the job description. 

  • “Why are you interested in working for this company?”

  • Tip: Do your research! Come up with specific things that interest you and be able to go into detail about why. 

4. Focus on skills and deliverables that match the job description.

When answering the questions above and any others that the interviewer might ask, make sure to focus on concrete deliverables and skills that tie into the job description. Staying direct in this way will make sure that the interviewer leaves remembering all of your skills and achievements. This will also show that you know how to convey information in a concise manner, a skill which is essential for any potential job. 

5. Stay positive!

Make sure not to make any negative comments about your previous employers or people who might work at the company you are currently interviewing at. Keep a positive attitude!

6. Follow up with a thank you email or note.

After the interview, send a thank-you email or note to express that you appreciate the opportunity and reiterate your interest in the position. Taking initiative in this way will also show the hiring manager that you are proactive!

We hope that by incorporating these tips and questions into your preparation, you'll feel more confident when going into your next interview! Good luck!

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